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Thread: Why does grub use UUIDs to identify disks?

what benefit of grub using uuids find boot/swap etc disks. these disks can found equally using device name. causes problems when uuid of disk changes, e.g. did install , restored tarball install, hoping create duplicate server (different disk sizes , clonezilla failed). overwrote /etc/fstab , /boot/grub/grub.cfg version first installation , caused boot process fail disk not found.
corrected problem removing uuids fstab , grub.cfg , works fine.
me seems these uuids disks cause more problems solve.

the device names more subject change uuids. if have usb mass storage device plugged in, instance, depending on how bios assigns device addresses /dev/sdb may no longer same device without usb drive connected. in contrast, uuids unique each partition.

/dev/sda pretty static, other assignments pretty mutable.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Why does grub use UUIDs to identify disks?



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