No longer able to print 5x7 on half page..and/ File shrink?



i'd print 5x7 sized photo/file on letter-sized (8.5x11) photo paper use half of sheet. 

i used time in old pse2 program (i've updated 2 pse9).  older print dialog box, in little preview pane able move photo up/down/side-to-side (wherever wished) , in final print-out prescisely placed , saving space on paper second print.  apparently no longer possible in newer versions...?  in pse9 print keeps coming out half printed, no matter ticked (landscape/port) or how placed it.


question: no longer possible in newer versions?



i tried working around creating new file in pse9 editor , moving orig 5x7 file one--via select-all>edit>copy , pasting 5x7 newly created 8.5x11 file...however 5x7 did not retain dimensions when placed 8.5x11 space.  maybe "resize" layer? (if possible?)



question: causing orig 5x7 shrink 4x5.6 when copied new file? 

thanks enlighting




hp pavilion dv7/ notebook pc/ ram-6.00 gb/ 174 gb free space

windows 7/ pse-9/camera-sony cybershot-hx1

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