Blue Screen with Lightroom 5 - Multiple BSOD Codes

my computer has been extremely stable past few years without single bsod... until when updated lr4 lr5.


after 15-20minutes within program, of sudden bsod. not happen doing else computer, including gaming such fsx , other simulators can heavy on gpu/memory/etc...



i ran memtest , passed... no problems there.


hd tune on hd's, no errors.


i reduced overlock sure not voltage issue or something, same results.


prime95, passed.


i tried doing "repair" lr5 installer file, still happened.



not sure next... running:


windows 7 - 64bit professional edition

intel i7 2600k cpu

16gb ddr3 ram

570gtx gpu


lightroom running off 120gb ssd drive, it's catalog on 2.5tb internal hd (one of few).


updated gpu drivers (clean install) , ran windows driver verifier make sure drivers "proper".


i have important shoot trying process , big bummer right now... again, been using lr4 every since released , never had bsod... right after upgrade, starts happening once things start bit demanding (quick editing or quick adjustments). have not noticed trend when crash, may have crop and/or straighten tool... have noticed has bsod on me when doing of those, believe other times well. make sure pay attention on report reliable trends when happens.


any help? not sure if there may bug out there or have keep looking @ hardware/drivers...  if so, suggestions great.



have tried searching on bsod error code? it's accepted applications can't directly cause bsod, though can of course trigger use of faulty or other (such driver, system software, hardware) in turn results in bsod. need gather clues can, starting error code, start searching similar problems.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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