Dreamweaver CC & Style sheets ( CSS )
so created website , had index page completed when realized if going proceed need copy index style sheet. question is, how copy said style sheet? my second question; does have link guide making search bar? or quick , easy way so? in advance. i need copy index style sheet. what mean this? have created styles (css) now? within .html file or in external .css file? if styles exist in external css file, can re-use file in number of .html pages adding line in <head> section: < link rel =" stylesheet " href =" p ath/to/your/css/file.css " type =" text/css "/> if styles defined inline in .html file itself, need ideally create new .css file , put them within css file , link - best practice can re-use styles across 1 .css file , if want make change, end changing 1 css file instead of going html files change them inline. for 2nd question, when want 'guide making search bar', mean functionality bit of or design bit of it? simplest solutio...