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Thread: lost connections

i working on setting server (ubuntu 10.04) in virtual box

after install can 2 steps before in trouble
set 2 nic static ip eth0 , eth1 note: in virtual box eth stands on bridged , host only
after putting static ip in restart networkservices ( /init.d/network restart)

want install openssh. (apt-get install openssh)
first time install of openssh did not succeed , asked update. did apt-get update after reboot network connections gone (the network connection in interface empty)
second try didn't need update after while i've got same problems

tried following steps connections back:

restart of network services (/etc/init.d/network restart)
result: rtnetlink: no such process
found solution starting eth0 , eth1. network services return there still no connection.
ping gw > unreachable
ping > okay
ifconfig > no errors, seem , running machine has once more established again same problem after reboot.

netstat, int , ifconfig in attach
attached images attached images

apt-get update updates repository info, if want upgrade software, it's apt-get upgrade

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