Rolling title flicker in PE11 DVD playback

hi. i'm successful user of pe11 mac (graduated unceremoniously pe10). question flickering despite flicker filter being deployed. seems phenomenon harder suppress in pe11 in 10?


specifically... jpeg , tiff stills retain considerable flicker on high anti-flicker setting. of these 600 dpi+.  should dimensions of stills value?  if so, what?


a soft flicker along horizontal lines seems hard suppress in video also. sd canon camcorder, 24 fps, transferred mp4s, , dragged such timeline. flicker not appear pre- or post-render appears on late-model flatscreen tv when played on dvd.  dvd burn problem or tv problem?


rolling titles created within pe11 appear flicker-filterable, flicker seems scarcely reduced on dvd playback (white titles, plain font, reasonable slow speed, abt 40 pitch).


preset: ntsc, 16:9 (can provide more if needed)


i saw similar post pc user 2012 thread apparently died before resolved.


thanks ton in advance!!



any photos use in premiere elements should resized no larger 2000x1500 pixels. (the resolution doesnt matter, people use 72 ppi.)


larger photos not give better results. in fact, give problematic results, describe. slow down program's performance , crash it.


you can reduce flicker in pictures right-clicking on them on timeline, selecting field options , checking option flicker removal.

More discussions in Premiere Elements



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