
muse pre-relese has crashed dozen times in 1 session. why?

think broken. how replace it. download of  latest version did not work.


bloody frustrating.  first crash in copying , transferilng items 1 project newer version.

are on mac or windows? websites include youtube embed code?


if so, following may help. if not, please provide more information situation (platform, os version, muse version, what's error, screenshot or copy/paste of error or error report, etc.). thanks.



google changed behavior of embed code , change triggering crash within adobe air (all versions) when muse attempts work embed code.


at time workaround have replace embed code youtube videos newly generated embed code youtube "enable privacy-enhanced mode" option selected. (it's off default.)


sorry inconvenience. we're actively working air team understand root cause of bug , how best address it.


screen shot 2013-06-20 @ 7.41.40 am.png

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