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Thread: damaged my work spaces wile trying to set up log in screen

useing ubuntu 11.10 trying set diferent log in screen useing startup applacations , did not work

work spaces has 1 of 4 squares can 1 tell me how fix

hi koll,

don't know why , how did use "startup applications" set different log in screen, , don't know "now work spaces has 1 of 4 squares" mean.

anyway, recommend 'ubuntu tweak' if change log in screen.

install it, follow these steps:

1) open terminal, , type (or copy , paste) following command, , hit enter adding 'ubuntu tweak' ppa software sources.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
2) type (or copy , paste) following command, , hit enter updating software list.

sudo apt-get update
3) type (or copy , paste) following command, , hit enter installing 'ubuntu tweak'.

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
4) close terminal , open dash , type ubuntu tweak.

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