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Thread: Help with Imagemagick convert -strokewidth

i'm using code
#create watermark  convert -size 700x80 xc:black -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/eager___.ttf -pointsize 100 -gravity center \            -draw "fill black text 0,0  '©acrocephalus'" -stroke black -strokewidth 2 \            stamp_fgnd.png    convert -size 700x80 xc:black -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/eager___.ttf -pointsize 100 -gravity center \            -draw "fill white  text  1,1  '©acrocephalus'  \                               text  0,0  '©acrocephalus'  \                   fill black  text -1,-1 '©acrocephalus'" -stroke black -strokewidth 2 \            +matte stamp_mask.png    composite -compose copyopacity  stamp_mask.png  stamp_fgnd.png  stamp.png    mogrify -trim +repage stamp.png
adapted generate png image watermark pictures. i'd increase stroke width, setting higher values not seem produce effect. me thicker strokes?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Art & Design Help with Imagemagick convert -strokewidth



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