Documentary metadata and sync sound workflow.

hey there,

i in process of editing documentary 70+ hours of avchd (.mts) footage. end goal here review media, ideally access each sound source synced each clip before editing. have multiple sound sources (camera, boom, , 2 wireless mics) , wish preserve tracks instead of replacing "reference" sound of camera.

my initial thought find way create new clips multiple synced tracks using either pluraleyes or new merge clip function in premiere cc, review in prelude cc, taking notes on metadata, , doing editing in premiere cc.

first, possible? can export clip numerous independent tracks have been synced? if so, efficient way in doing so?

second, if not possible, efficient way meet initial goal (reviewing 70+ hours of documentary media multiple sound sources before editing?)

thank input.


hey b macrae,


i work dslr dual sync sound , have found syncing in pluraleyes , exporting xml out pr convenient.  once have sync sequence can nest selects , takes timeline, create independent "clips" of original audio , sync audio.  when need access additional tracks when editing nest can assign audio source nest individual tracks (lav1, lav2, etc....)  marker system great way log footage dual sync sound.  have yet find way describing multitrack audio merged video clip , have access in prelude.  after spending alot of r&d   there option in pluraleyes export video replaced audio, haven't tried more 2 channels of audio.  there has been update pluraleyes mentions "now supports audio tracks more 2 channels."  if i'd interested in how turns out multi track audio.

More discussions in Premiere Pro CC



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