Can't open EPS from PhotoShop CS4 in PS CS6 (or much of anything else)

i have eps files can't open - i'm trying creator send them in format they're not responding of emails need try , data out of them.


the start of header looks so:


  %!ps-adobe-3.0 epsf-3.0   %%creator: adobe photoshop version 12.1x20110328 [20110328.r.145 2011/03/28:10:30:00 cutoff; r branch]


so looks me cs4? cs6 v14 i'm guessing it's cs4.


they won't open in photoshop, illustrator, inkscape or irfanview.


the specific message in of these either unknown error or parsing error.


they open in acrobat pro, resultant pdf 100 times smaller original eps (with no image compression etc.), around 1mb vs around 100mb, , raster graphics flattened single layer, , text outlines - can't work it.


any ideas @ all? or shall keep trying hold of creator? or there more information can provide figure out?

ok - answer own question. aside difficulty opening them - data wanted never there anyway. have original psd files , if export them eps ps, behavior seeing in acrobat correct - raster layers flattened, , text converted outlines. files never have been of use me if open them other acrobat.

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