[Bug]PS CC,Layer Group add vector mask and disable it,use path selection tool click,always crash!!!

[bug] photoshop cc,layer group add vector mask , disable it, use path selection tool click canvas, crash!!!  please me!


the sample psd file is: http://doc.aoyea.com/ps_cc_bug.psd


my computer configuration:

sony vaio ca100 notebook、intel core i5 2410 cpu、16gb ram、amd radeon 6600m(1g ram)、windows7 x64 sp1(clean)、scratch disk free space 50gb

if large file lots of layers 50 g scatch space may marginal.  use of 100 gigs not uncommon.


check os event viewer errors if is crash , not freeze.  faulting module.

More discussions in Photoshop General Discussion



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