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Thread: SSH security with -D and tunneling

so, i've been reading around , came across post

couple posts down, claims tunneling through ssh -d not 100% secure? there wasn't more discussion on why not.

statement correct? if i'm in public wifi setting , i'm tunneling
ssh -d 9999 -c
is enough? or should concerned security.

under impression goes through ssh encrypted time. missing something?

(i know other post talking doing traffic, i'm interested in ssh -d port forwarding/socks stuff). thanks!



web surfing encrypted home box before traveling internet [using ssh]. recent browsers send outbound dns request through ssh tunnel. advised outbound dns requests still sent local network unencrypted [if you're on public wifi , using socks]. reason use squid if concerned privacy or being re-directed malicious dns servers on wireless lan.


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [SOLVED] SSH security with -D and tunneling



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