Web Design Options for a beginner - CMS HELP!

hi all,


i have neighbor 15 years old , design web site fly fishing lures makes.


i web designer , has asked me how started. going explain him complexities , choices. think broken 3 categories:


1. have design you

2. design using "web builder" environment

3. build using cms such dreamweaver


i think best route him #2. hear of sites can "easily build website in half hour." have tried few of "web builder" environments , not pleased so-called "ease-of-use" or results.


can reccommend easy-to-use web builder work enterprising young 15 year old?




david rose


dreamweaver not cms.  can used build 1 if have requisite coding skills.  however, without working knowledge of html & css, dw has steep learning curve.


adobe muse consumer level software aimed @ hobbyists , non-coders.  might young friend needs this.




nancy o.

More discussions in Web design



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