
i modifying whtbar.js , need alternative top.frames[1].bsscright.location that work in chrome.


function viewtopicinprintwindow()


// opens current topic htm file in new window printing

var strcurpage = top.frames[1].bsscright.location;

strcurpage += "?print=true"

var newwindow =, newwindow, "toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes");



this works fine in ie/ff but not work in chrome.


specifically chrome does not understand top.frames[1].bsscright.location; , javascript stops executing @ line , not open new window.


i change document.location and code works , window opens wrong htm file: whskin_tbars.htm.



the issue seems chrome not allow access other frames security measure. print view button in top bar can access location of skin htm file.


i have show/hide toc + top persistent floating icons @ left middle of topic pane. in chrome user can hide robohelp framework , show topic if need print.

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