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Thread: How much influence does Google Inc have with chromium?

i'm wondering how google directly influences/directs goes on chromium browser.

provide financial support? pay devs work on project? tell them do?

know chromium open source , different chrome in minor ways, such branding, sending usage statistics, updater, built-in flash, etc

guess address concern of wary of google , want feel "safe" using chromium instead of chrome.


quote posted ubuntuman001 view post
do pay devs work on project?
yes, of chromium devs google employees afaik.

way chrome(ium) development works google works on chromium in open, periodically take snapshot of it, bundle in other bits , release chrome.

don't know how receptive patches chromium outside google.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe How much influence does Google Inc have with chromium?



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