What are the numbers next to the “Building edges from DisplayObject”?

dear colleagues,


could me understand numbers next “building edges displayobject”, please?


image 1.jpg





scout 1.1.0.

scout log file http://townden.com/forum-pictures/numbers_next_to.flm

this test on ios ipad 1 -- animation of dragon




thank in advance help,


the number "x 3" means "building edges displayobjects" happened 3 times. time shown next total time 3 of these activities. same true "calculating dirty regions x 2" - means happened twice. shouldn't worry number of activities though, total time them - e.g. if flash player didn't have do, might finish activity immediately, , show in scout negligible time (e.g. few microseconds) - that's not should worry about.


if want understand display list rendering operations better, can read article here:



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