Help me about AS3 code of 24 hour countdown timer.


i'm beginner @ flash.


i  wanna ask making 24hours countdown clock.


what want make 24hour countdown clock , when reaches time start again.(every day)

and start time 2 o'clok(2 pm) every single day.(for pacific time)


and found code ( )

it's similar want tried, can't change mind...

and want using hundredths too.


so here code.


please me,thank you.





var enddate:date = new date(new date().gettime()+24*60*60*1000);




var countdowntimer:timer = new timer(1000);


countdowntimer.addeventlistener(timerevent.timer, updatetime);








function updatetime(e:timerevent):void




          var now:date = new date();




     time_txt.text = "00:00:00";








          var timeleft:number = enddate.gettime() - now.gettime();


          var hundredth:number = math.floor(timeleft / 10);


          var seconds:number = math.floor(hundredth / 1000);


          var minutes:number = math.floor(seconds / 60);


          var hours:number = math.floor(minutes / 60);






          seconds %= 60;


          minutes %= 60;






          var fs:string = hundredth.tostring();


          var sec:string = seconds.tostring();


          var min:string = minutes.tostring();


          var hrs:string = hours.tostring();





          if (fs.length < 2) {


                    sec = "0" + fs;





          if (sec.length < 2) {


                    sec = "0" + sec;






          if (min.length < 2) {


                    min = "0" + min;






          if (hrs.length < 2) {


                    hrs = "0" + hrs;






          var time:string = hrs + ":" + min + ":" + sec;




          time_txt.text = time;



if want enddate today @ 2pm, among other ways this, can use:


var enddate:date = new date();




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