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Thread: Trying to share.

i have partition have bunch of movies in ntfs partition want share other systems on network purpose of letting kid watch them in room having ability watch them on system connected entertainment system. can't seem make them visible other systems. folder shows on network, not mountable. due partition being ntfs , ubuntu not being capable of applying permissions?

there's not enough information in post answer question. example if assume:

* shared folder using nautilus.
* ntfs partition not being automounted @ boot mounted when need through nautilus.

mount access , no 1 else. may have set share allow guests access samba cannot override linux permissions. there way out of problem , that's force remote users you:

edit smb.conf root:
gksu gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
add following line [global] section - right under workgroup line:
force user = what-ever-your-user-name-is
save smb.conf , restart samba:
sudo service smbd restart
if used classic samba better put line in share definition itself. if automounting ntfs partition simple change options should fix assuming using samba. if using nfs zip.

if above nothing please explain how created share , how mounting ntfs partition.

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