Dynamic Select List not displaying correct value

hi there!


i have page dynamic repeat region.

as press 1 record details based on id on edit page.


the problem info inserted via select list not displaying correct on edit page.

all other values correct, values in repeat region on index page,

but value select list on edit page displaying selected item.


have tried using select distinct in sql statement, no luck.


any other ideas?



cut , paste form:

<select name="vegtype" class="provdet" id="vegtype" title="<%=(rsas.fields.item("vegtype").value)%>">                     <option value="ev" selected="selected">ev</option>                     <option value="fv">fv</option>                     <option value="rv">rv</option>                     <option value="kv">kv</option>                   </select> 




<% dim rsas dim rsas_cmd dim rsas_numrows   set rsas_cmd = server.createobject ("adodb.command") rsas_cmd.activeconnection = mm_labcon_string rsas_cmd.commandtext = "select distinct datom, dator, datou, distr, fagfelt, felt, intnr, km, kontrnr, kontrollor, masse, massebk, punkt, resept, testid, userid, veghp, vegnavn, vegnr, vegtype tbltest testid = ?"  rsas_cmd.prepared = true rsas_cmd.parameters.append rsas_cmd.createparameter("param1", 5, 1, -1, rsas__mmcolparam) ' addouble   set rsas = rsas_cmd.execute rsas_numrows = 0 %> 





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