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Thread: mapping the mouse cursor

if put in wrong forum, sorry.

phd student in biology, , have videos of lizard watch. need keep continual track of lizards through time walk around 2d arena.

solution have hover mouse on lizard in video, , follow cursor.

looking way record x , y coordinates of mouse time keeper, possibly like:

x y seconds
1 15 0
1 16 0.01
2 17 0.02


know way can this?

sudo apt-get install xautomation
#!/bin/bash while :; sleep 1 xmousepos >> mousepos.txt done exit
output in form of
x y x_relativetocurrentwindow y_relativetocurrentwindow

tye@t:~$ xmousepos 249 831 249 805
it update once every second. make more or less often, change value of 'sleep #'

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