The new Import Sequence feature causes Premiere Pro CC to CRASH!

*** happening before update, , update 7.01 has not fixed issue.***


i have series of intros , end slates youtube series.  (kind of) love new import sequence project feature, new in ppr cc.  more not, trying import sequence project using media browser causes premiere crash.  can else report whether not working you, too.  can imagine scenarios either don't use feature, or haven't gotten around since launch of cc. 


thanks in advance willing test , verify whether bug.


win7 64-bit

asus g75vx laptop


nvidia gtx-670mx, 3gb gddr5

16gb ram

i import sequences other projects frequent, , don't recall ever hitting crash.

does given sequence succeed in importing other times trigger crash? or sequence-by-sequence thing, work , others crash?

More discussions in Premiere Pro CC



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