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Thread: CMake, how do I add libraries, includes, header files?

i have cpp program uses mrpt (mobile robots programming toolkit) libraries, , compiles using cmake.

want include more libraries in cpp program, example aria , opencv.

when compile aria , opencv programs, don't use cmake, use makefile includes cflags , ldflags.

however, how use these cmake? have tried lot 'undefined reference to' errors.

can provide me step-by-step guide adding third-party headers cmake file? header want included aria.h

cmakelists.txt file, can see have tried include aria libraries still doesn't work.

project(mrpt_example1)    cmake_minimum_required(version 2.4)  if(command cmake_policy)        cmake_policy(set cmp0003 new)  # required cmake 2.7+  endif(command cmake_policy)    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------  #   list of "libs" can included can found in:  #  #  #   dependencies of library automatically added,   #    need specify top-most libraries code depend on.  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------  find_path(usr/local/aria/include names aria.h paths /usr/local/aria/include/ required)  #add_library(${aria_dir}/include/ aria.h)    find_library(aria_library names laria larnetworking lpthread ldl lrt paths /usr/local/aria/lib)      include_directories(${aria_dir}/include)  link_directories(${aria_dir}/lib)    find_package( mrpt required base)    # declare target (an executable)  add_executable(mrpt_example1    	test.cpp  	)  target_link_libraries(mrpt_example1 ${mrpt_libs} ${aria_libs})    # set optimized building:  if(cmake_compiler_is_gnucxx , not cmake_build_type matches "debug")  	set(cmake_cxx_flags "${cmake_cxx_flags} -o3 -mtune=native")  endif(cmake_compiler_is_gnucxx , not cmake_build_type matches "debug")

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk CMake, how do I add libraries, includes, header files?



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