Age field based on date field

how create field populates age based on date field?


adobe acrobat 9

you have use javascript create custom calculation script desired result.



for example in decimal years:


function date2num(cformat, cdate) {
convert date string number of days since epoch date
cdate - date sting
cformat - format of date sting
number of dasy since epoc date.
// convert date string date object
var odate = util.scand(cformat, cdate);
// convert milliseconds epoch date whole days
return math.floor(odate.gettime() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
} // end of date2num

event.value = "";
// dob string value
var sdob = this.getfield("dob").value;
if(sdob != "") {
// compute dob not empty
var ctoday = util.printd( "dd-mmm-yyyy", (new date()))
// compute difference includig end date
var ndiff = date2num(ctoday, "dd-mmm-yyyy", ctoday) - date2num("dd-mmm-yyyy", sdob);
// compute output in years decimals
event.value =(ndiff / 365.2425) + " years old";



years months & days:


event.value = "";

// dob string value

var sdob = this.getfield("dob").value;

if(sdob != "") {

// convert date object

var odob = util.scand("dd-mmm-yyyy", sdob);

// todays date in milliseconds since epoch date

var otoday = new date()

// compute output

nyears = otoday.getfullyear() - odob.getfullyear();

nmonths = otoday.getmonth() - odob.getmonth();

ndays = otoday.getdate() - odob.getdate();

if(ndays < 0) {

// table months days

// fix days in month


ndays = ndays + 30;


if(nmonths < 0) {


nmonths = nmonths + 12;


event.value = nyears + " years " + nmonths + "  months " + ndays + " days";



whole years only:


event.value = "";

var dobvalue = getfield("dob").value;

if (dobvalue!="") {

var dob = util.scand("dd/mm/yyyy", dobvalue);

var today = new date();

// compute years on full year only

var age = today.getfullyear() - dob.getfullyear();

var todaymmdd = today.getmonth() + today.getdate()

var dobmmdd = dob.getmonth() + dob.getdate();

if( todaymmdd < dobmmdd) age -= 1;

event.value = age;


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