Display my twitter in Flash



i want display tweets in flash using as3. there tutorial teach me how that. please ?!



this excerpt published book wrote, http://www.amazon.com/flash-game-development-social-mobile/dp/1435460200/ref=sr_1_1?ie=utf 8&qid=1373033301&sr=8-1&keywords=gladstien


two main steps needed use requests requires authentication. first, must register game twitter. second, must either implement oauth protocol or use library tweetr implements protocol.

game registration

to use requests require authentication (and supported), must first register game twitter @ https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new.  (see fig11-12.)

***insert fig11-12.tif***

               [the twitter application registration page @ https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new.]

fill out form, agree rules, prove human being filling out captcha form , click create twitter application button. should see fig11-13.

***insert fig11-13.tif***

               [after successful registration, copy consumer key , secret.]

copy consumer key , consumer secret. need both make authenticated requests on behalf of users. these numbers used twitter identify game when user gives game permission make requests on behalf.

click settings tab (see fig11-14) , add icon or change settings, if needed. in particular, note application type settings.  if need more read-access, tick read , write or read, write , access direct messages.

***insert fig11-14.tif***

               [the twitter application registration page @ https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new.]

click update twitter application's settings if made changes or additions.


tweetr free open-source actionscript library implements oauth protocol , allows game make twitter requests require authentication. setting game use tweetr multi-step process. 

all needed files in support files/chapter 11/twitter/authentication. ensure have latest files go http://wiki.swfjunkie.com/tweetr.

  1. download , extract swcs.zip
  2. download , extract oauth_template.zip
  3. download , extract docs.zip
  4. download , extract proxy.zip
  5. add tweetrweb swc library path extracted swc.zip.
  6. go http://code.google.com/p/as3crypto/downloads/list , download as3crypto.swc
  7. add as3crypto.swc library path.  (see fig11-15.)
  8. find js folder extracted in step 2 , upload server.
  9. find proxy folder (that contains index.php, install.php , tweetr.php) extracted in step 4 , upload website. 
  10. open website's install.php file in browser , follow steps create needed files.  here walk-through: http://wiki.swfjunkie.com/tweetr:howtos:installing-the-proxy
  11. create verified.html page , upload server:
  12. create twitter.html, swf's embedding html page, , upload server:
  13. upload swfobject folder support files/chapter 11/twitter/authentication

***insert fig11-15.tif***

               [you should have both tweetrweb.swc , as3crypto.swc in library path , both should have link type: merged code. paths different shown.]

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