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Thread: Power and buttons issues

hi, need you`re please!

i`ve upgraded 11.04 11.10 in laptop. before upgrade , no buttons or power issues @ all. when upgrade finished, discovered:
1. button power doesn`t work, shutdown (before upgrade worked perfectly)

2. brightness button doesn`t work (fn+f9 or fn+f8), used screen in system setting

3. when close lid, doesn`t suspend , standby ombination button (fn+f3) doesn`t work either.

thx b4.

axioo zetta mlm, clevo motherboard
(maybe none of ever heard laptop)

guys, guys mended it.
reckon problem came kernel. point is, changing kernel version best suited computer, since ubuntu keep previous version, change modifying grub bootloader. since previous kernel in ubuntu 11.04 worked well, almost.

replace latest kernel latest or best suited previous kernel version. keep latest version installed ubuntu 11.10 in previous version in grub menu. can still use 11.10 features or look

but, think work, if ubuntu upgraded, no fresh install, because there isn`t previous version of kernel if install 11.10 scratch.

hope might help.
correct me if there mistake.

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