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Thread: genetically modified food producing infertility

came across watching alex jones , apparently has reality it. jones saying @ third generation, animals fed gm foods become infertile. has else heard @ all?
in new austrian study send shock waves through corridors of power in eu, , through offices of gm corporations, has been discovered gm corn has damaging effect upon reproductive system (1).
jones though claiming corn infected. thoughts?

google search

jones video

false. genetically modified foods not produce infertility. period. end of case. there many issues associated genetically modified foods, of relate intellectual property, none of relate food safety. eating gm crops not impact health! however, there legal argument if farmer growing legacy crop, next door neighbor growing gm crop, , crosspolinization occurs, legacy farmer might infringing on intellectual property of company developed , sold seed gm crop. however, eating gm food, , have consumed gm food due crosspolinization, not impair health or fertility.

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