Parallax roll-up: Is it possible to have one section scroll before the next roll-up appears?

i'll try explain can:


i'm creating site has several "pages" roll on each other using parallax/scroll motion. in muse, of course, each "page" section in 1 long muse project, each section assigned scroll motion effect. far, have each page scroll top of browser using "motion before key" set @ 1, , have "motion after key" set @ 0. latter setting means page stops when it's in position, allow next section scroll on roll-up.


however, have 1 section has more info fit in single browser screen, user able scroll down in section (it's several paragraphs of text) , when gets bottom, allow next section roll on it. can't figure out if it's possible this. there way allow 1 section scroll little bit, , somehow trigger next page roll-up using scroll motion?



can supply link?

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