Email Marketing & Newsletters

hi guys


my client send email marketing/newsletters based on website design.


my question: best/easiest way send dreamweaver designed html newsletters? avoid, make sure, how avoid comes in junk mailboxes, how make "light" won't 2mb in mailboxes, how can send once it's finished?


i work on mac, , have safari, firefox , chrome installed. remember sending newsletters possible via safari can try way?






html email can bit tricky, here's of do's , don'ts...



use tables layout

use absolute links images stored on server images in email

use html text whenever possible

use limited amount of inline css when necessary

use service or



use external .css files or embedded (in <head> section) css

use css layout

use images

try embed images or attachments

use reletive links anything

use javascripts

expect function or website

send thousands of emails personal or corporate email account


because of vast differences in email clients, pretty difficult "a page site" function correctly via email. it's best "dumb down" html of site fit have above. there other concerns consider, above cover of problems you'll run , give decent cross-client compatibility.


the services list above go further keep email being caught spam, highly recommend using them both creation , delivery of email.

More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum



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