How to batch generate hundreds of color swatches?

- need hundreds of color swatech in tiff (lab color) format.
- have table name of color , lab values (columns: name; l value; value; b value) - table can save .csv etc.; script can ask path .csv file or can fixed path , filename
- tiff document can e.g. 10x10 px or 100x100 px.
- tiff file should naming according table value (column "name")
- files can saved e.g. on disc c: (or user can ask @ start of batch)


i not programmer , thankful if write script (javascript).
i think useful many graphic designers.


(sorry english)

i don’t supposed do.

what intend tiffs?

should tiffs should lab?


could post (part of) list got?

More discussions in Photoshop Scripting



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