InDesign CS2 Lisence transfer

all representatives actively assisting other customers. there 3 customer(s) in line ahead of you. thank patience.

you chatting suresh.

suresh: hello! welcome adobe customer service.

hugues: hello

suresh: please allow me moment while review of request.

hugues: sure

suresh: hello hugues!!

hugues: hi suresh

suresh: if understand correctly want transfer license else? correct me if wrong.

hugues: yep

suresh: thank you. i’m going best you.

hugues: i tried adobe solution earlier today software downloaded corrupted , won't go through install process

hugues: downloaded twice > corrupted twice

suresh: okay.

suresh: may please have email address registered adobe?

hugues: -----adobe id------ , secondary mine:  -----adobe id------

suresh: thank e-mail address. please allow me moment.

hugues: sure

suresh: i have got little bit doubt trying install product on new machine or selling product?

hugues: i'm trying re install on pc of ppd

suresh: great!!

hugues: maybe if working.. far great

suresh: please me out serial number can check you.

suresh: i you.

hugues: ----------here our serial number--------------

suresh: thank assisting me serial number. please allow me 2-3 minutes while locate account details.

hugues: great i've go quick i'll in few minutes

suresh: okay.

suresh: adobe has disabled activation server cs2 , cs 1 products, because of technical issue. these products released more 7 years ago, not run on many modern operating systems, , no longer supported.

suresh: adobe advises against running unsupported , outdated software.

hugues: i know company call not mine

suresh: i have option you.

hugues: this morning person talked told me go on adobe website , follow instruction specific page

suresh: yes going give same page.

suresh: have downloaded page?

hugues: i had download version of indesign cs2 , serial number page

suresh: please allow me moment.

hugues: as there there no way have download completed properly

hugues: id_cs2_ue_nonret

hugues: this file corrupted

suresh: okay.

hugues: and provided serial doesnt work our cd version of indesign

suresh: we unable assist please go forum.

suresh: please click here (link page)

hugues: and what's going happen there?

suresh: please post issue there.

hugues: there no section related issue...

suresh: i sorry. please find get.

suresh: is there else can with?

hugues: yes, please told me have contact have issue fixed?

suresh: i sorry there no support company side.

hugues: ok have lisence unsuable because old, correct?

you not connected chat representative.

is there point you're trying make here?

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