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Thread: Virtual Image consumes unexpected amout of memory.

i'm running lucid (10.4) server , using kvm. server x64 12gb of memory. created 2 vms, both using kubuntu 8.10. allocated 2gb ram first image , 1gb second vm.
memory consumption in server 2x that. 7gb , neither of vms running. (normal usage before vms 1.5 gb of memory.

have 2 questions.

1)is there anyway keep kvm hanging on of memory when vms shut down.

2) consume memory when running? comparison, used virtual box on little acer laptop create vm 1gb of memory , laptop *has* 1.6 gb physical memory , there memory left on when vm running.

how measuring memory usage?
maybe counting cached memory well.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Virtualisation [SOLVED] Virtual Image consumes unexpected amout of memory.



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