How do I sign my signature digitally?

your video supposed demonstrate how sign signature digitally not work. how sign name digitally?

like conventional handwritten signatures, digital signatures uniquely identify person or entity signing document. difference reviewers can sign electronic version of document, instead of printed one. adobe® acrobat® 5, can have reviewers digitally sign pdf documents approve them. once you’ve obtained digital signatures, can verify them make sure they’re authentic, track changes between signings, , more.

choose signature handler.
in acrobat, choose edit > preferences > general. select digital signatures in left pane, , choose acrobat self-sign security default signature handler in right pane.

prepare pdf document digital signatures, first need choose signature handler, determines appearance , exact contents of signatures. acrobat includes acrobat self-sign security signature handler, easy use , offers moderate security. can use compatible signature handler obtained third-party vendor.


create user profile.
choose tools > self-sign security > log in, , click new user profile. in create new user dialog box, enter name profile , password containing @ least 6 characters. save profile.

user profile password-protected file containing name, password, , other basic information. stores important information used security purposes.


distribute pdf document approval.
distribute pdf document reviewer sending e-mail attachment or storing in shared network folder. ask reviewer approve document choosing acrobat self-sign security signature handler, creating user profile, , digitally signing document using acrobat.

tip: add new digital signature field , digitally sign pdf document @ same time, tell reviewer select digital signature tool, , drag draw field. enter password confirm it, , click save save document signature.


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