Best workflow to make wallpapers starting from Lightroom

i'd start making wallpapers of photos , posting them site.  i'd make following pixel dimensions outputs:


2880 x 1800  (retina macbook pro)

2048 × 2048   (ipad)

2560 x 1440  (desktop computer 1)

2560 × 1600   (desktop computer 2)

640 × 1136     (iphone 5)


i realize these different aspect ratios, have manually make crop decision on them.


i wondering optimal workflow achieve is.  there solution can inside of lightroom make sense? 


i'm going pre-guess right answer question should taking "finished" image lightroom, bringing photoshop, , manually crop pixel sizes need there.


thanks sharing answer.

make 5 virtual copies, crop @ proper aspect ratio, export exact dimensions need. of can done in lightroom. there's no need use photoshop this.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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