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Thread: terminal displaying jibrish before file names?

dunno happened, terminal printing jibrish before file names, happened , how fix it?

root@localhost:/# ls
←[0m←[01;34mbin←[0m ←[01;34mdev←[0m ←[01;34mhome←[0m ←[01;34mlib←[0m
←[01;34mmedia←[0m ←[01;34mopt←[0m ←[01;34mroot←[0m ←[01;34mselinux←[0m ←[0
1;34msys←[0m ←[01;34musr←[0m
←[01;34mboot←[0m ←[01;34metc←[0m ←[01;36minit←[0m ←[01;34mlost+found←[0m ←[0
1;34mmnt←[0m ←[01;34mproc←[0m ←[01;34msbin←[0m ←[01;34msrv←[0m ←[30;42
mtmp←[0m ←[01;34mvar←[0m

echo $ps1
output please.

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