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Thread: recursive direcory listings : readdir or ftw or FTS or glob

in windows c++ use (findfirst + findnext) recursively list (patterned) files in directory.
having found linux doco seems

1) use (opendir readdir closedir) read names , fnmatch() reject , recurse.
work slow.
2) ftw file tree walk (recurse) has no pattern matcher built in.
3) fts has no patten matcher.
4) glob asserts greater efficiency. no built in recursion. call glob twice.
once "*" directories.once "*.cpp" files. each time (directory or file)
compares must made (after using glob_mark). seems slower others.
5) 1 exec ls, or don't know yet.

if no recursion needed using glob seems best. if recursion needed using fts appears best.
guesswork. can tell me if analysis flawed.

there thing else better ?? why doesnt glob recurse bitflag

don't know ??

#ifndef _view_h #define  _view_h  #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <pwd.h> #include <grp.h> #include <errno.h>  using namespace std;  int myview(bool l,bool r,const char* path) {   dir* dir = opendir(path);   if(!dir)     return 1;    struct dirent *rd;    while((rd = readdir(dir)))   {     if(!strcmp(rd->d_name,".") || !strcmp(rd->d_name,".."))     {       continue;     }     struct stat entryinfo;     char pathname[path_max+1];      strncpy(pathname,path,path_max);     strncat(pathname,"/",path_max);     strncat(pathname,rd->d_name,path_max);      if(!lstat(pathname,&entryinfo))     {       if(l)       {         switch(entryinfo.st_mode & s_ifmt)         {           case s_ifdir:           {             cout << "d";             break;           }           case s_ififo:           {             cout << "p";             break;           }           case s_ifsock:           {             cout << "s";             break;           }           case s_iflnk:           {             cout << "l";             break;           }           default:             cout << "-";         }          //owner         //read         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_irusr)           cout << "r";         else           cout << "-";         //write         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_iwusr)           cout << "w";         else           cout << "-";         //execute         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_ixusr)           cout << "x";         else           cout << "-";          //group         //read         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_irgrp)           cout << "r";         else           cout << "-";         //write         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_iwgrp)           cout << "w";         else           cout << "-";         //execute         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_ixgrp)           cout << "x";         else           cout << "-";          //other         //read         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_iroth)           cout << "r";         else           cout << "-";         //write         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_iwoth)           cout << "w";         else           cout << "-";         //execute         if(entryinfo.st_mode & s_ixoth)           cout << "x";         else           cout << "-";          cout << " ";         struct passwd* pwd = getpwuid(getuid());         struct group* grp = getgrgid(pwd->pw_gid);         cout << " " << grp->gr_name << " " << pwd->pw_name << " ";       }        if(s_isdir(entryinfo.st_mode))       {         cout << rd->d_name << endl;         if(r)         {           myview(l,r,pathname);         }       }else       if(s_isreg(entryinfo.st_mode))       {         cout << rd->d_name;       }else       if(s_islnk(entryinfo.st_mode))       {                 char targetname[path_max+1];         if(readlink(pathname,targetname,path_max))         {           cout << rd->d_name << " link: "               << targetname;         }       }else       if(s_issock(entryinfo.st_mode))       {         cout << rd->d_name;       }       cout << endl;     }    / / added check here, prevent fall of stack, details below     else     {       cout << rd->d_name << " " << strerror(errno) << endl;       exit(1);     }   }   closedir(dir); }  #endif  /* _view_h */
the function displays list of files in directory, including recursively.


1) displays information file (true / false)

2) recursive (true / false)

3) path (if not specified, ".")

if understand question.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk recursive direcory listings : readdir or ftw or FTS or glob



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