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Thread: VGA->DVI converter plug breaks video?

i've got nvidia geforce 9800 gt has 2 dvi ports. until now, i've been running dvi cable monitor, fine. i'm throwing kvm in mix.

long story short, need use kvm cable, vga cable. have vga dvi converter plug attach. post , bootup shows video fine, once login screen... nothing. no video source. know fix this?

you have dvi-a-->vga adapter..the opposite not passive plug adapter..

2 dvi outputs on video card might not may dvi-d & other dvi-i. common on older cards saves ramdac.
dvi-d has no vga output..& connector pin pattern different.

nvidia x server runs/loads x starts not @ boot/greeter screens.

other possibility:
if driver can not detect monitor not activate output.
kvm switch that's causing problem.

nvidia driver can force display output on xorg.conf entries etc..

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