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Thread: shift + right for banshee...?!

hi out there
please, if me ?
want short cut command shift + right (fast-forward song 10 seconds) banshee. should possible, see:
not working.
did own little shortcut command in system, here:
in second reply in link above fail point 8. still says disabled there.
found this:
installed compiz config manager, gave him littel shift+ right command. no, doesnt work.
see in link above, uses strange xdotool command. need too? hesitate install it, dont know if need this
maybe command isnt shift+right, strange... read this:
theres no command fast forward ...
allright, thats fought till now.... im looking forward an!
please regard, im absolute beginner, explain please step step, if grandma
thx help!

solution: vlc!!!

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