Dinamically creating DataGrid from imported .txt file

i have tab delimited .txt file exported excel looks this:


    sector    section    family    code    brand    image    description    quantity    price

    sector 1    section 1    family 1    10000    fiat    10000    description 10000    8    25,00

    sector 1    section 1    family 1    10001    kawasaky    10001    description 10001    10    45,00

    sector 1    section 1    family 1    10002    ford    10002    description 10002    15    10,00

    sector 1    section 1    family 2    10003    fiat    10003    description 10003    100    8,00




in case have 9 columns, method should work number of columns.

the code developed in flash builder, as3.

i dinamically create datagrid these values; first attempt:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <s:application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"







                import flash.net.urlloader;

                 import flash.net.urlrequest;

                import mx.collections.arraycollection;

                import mx.controls.datagrid;

                import mx.controls.datagridclasses.datagridcolumn;

                import mx.events.flexevent;


                private var loader:urlloader = new urlloader();

                private var request:urlrequest = new urlrequest("txtdata/products.txt");


                protected function creationcompletehandler(event:flexevent):void{

                    loader.addeventlistener(event.complete, loader_complete);




                protected function loader_complete(evt:event):void {

                    //create array of lines loaded .txt file

                    var lines:array = evt.target.data.split(/\n/);

                    var dg:datagrid = new datagrid();

                    var columns:array = [];

                    var dataprovider:arraycollection = new arraycollection();


                    (var i:number = 0; i<lines.length; i++) {


                        var line:string = lines[i];

                        //create array of column values each line

                        var linearray:array = line.split(/\t/);


                        for(var j:number = 0; j<linearray.length; j++){

                            var prop:string = linearray[j];


                                    //if first line of array, create column , assign value of prop datafield

                                var c:datagridcolumn = new datagridcolumn(prop);

                                c.datafield = prop;




                                    //create new object , add dataprovider

                                var dataobject:object = {sector: linearray[0], section: linearray[1], family: linearray[2], code: linearray[3], brand: linearray[4], image: linearray[5], description: linearray[6], quantity: linearray[7], price: linearray[8] };





                    //assign columns datagrid

                    dg.columns = columns;

                    //assign dataprovider datagrid

                    dg.dataprovider = dataprovider;

                    //add datagrid stage








i able create columns , datafields dinamically, instead wasn't able data provider items (see line below):


    var dataobject:object = {sector: linearray[0], section: linearray[1], family: linearray[2], code: linearray[3], brand: linearray[4], image: linearray[5], description: linearray[6], quantity: linearray[7], price: linearray[8] };


how can create these values dinamically (without knowing columns number , datafield names)?


thanks in advance



if (i==0) {

            (var j:int= 0; j<linearray.length; j++) {

                var prop:string = linearray[j];

                var c:datagridcolumn = new datagridcolumn(prop);

                c.datafield = prop;



        } else {

            var dataobject:object = {};






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