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Thread: Dead Ubuntu 11.04

hi all,
if can shine light on small problem appreciated.

until lat xmas had been happily using 11.04, purely because being pestered pop ups, foolishly accepted upgrade option 11.10. last time particular system ever worked. lost months of work , hundreds of hours of tutorial videos more importantly numerous essential work contacts details lost , have been poor ever since , have had leave home.

never mind now...

so, after reinstalling 11.04 things started @ least function again. until...the other night, turned system off , shows blank screen. show compaq logo , there bios entry options still ok no operating system! momentary flashing white line in top left screen corner, black screen.

can boot live cd ok rescue remix reports:

error dfb7
error elf3
error dd7d

flashes " uncompression error" system halted!

@ least time have files backed before goodbye ubuntu forever, intrigued know on earth happened?

running on compaq n800v 1.8ghz processor 1.5ghz ram

on you...

well, no expert on matter did have similar problem flashing line in top left of screen, not booting hdd , , being able fro cd/usb. issue dead hdd. me sounds might have same problem. try using drive testing utilities see if drive still good.

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