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Thread: Unity + Compiz Crashed

good day,

have installed azenis gtk+2 theme natty. @ first, worked fine. browse on web on how enable opacity of dropdown boxes , other stuffs , saw compiz tweak theme , downloaded it.

came mind enable tweaks own , have desktop rock n' roll. enabled desktop cube. have no idea cubes after enabling , disabling desktop wall, unity crashed in instant! has no system bars, application bars, no sidebars, in nothing. wallpapers , mouse pointer

run on terminal these codes

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1
unity --reset
it worked charm! uninstalled ccsm , reinstalled it. upon looking on cpu, page-load seemed high go ccsm , "enabled default settings"

after reboot, again, unity crashed

on how fix unity + compiz have once in fresh install?

this variation of same commands have used .

reset compiz

gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1

then, open terminal window, , run:

unity --reset

if remain without desktop , nautilus bar @ the
top of screen, go first terminal window, , run following ,


when ccsm opens check box uity plug-in . if goes unity return . close terminal if see running process message .

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] Unity + Compiz Crashed



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