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Thread: GtkSocket won't show in a GtkFixed

i'm on ubuntu 10.04 filesys, on marvell arm cpu. kernel

gtkwidget *fixed = gtk_fixed_new ();
gtk_widget_show( fixed );
socket = gtk_socket_new();
#if 1
// line lets code work
gtk_container_add( gtk_container( window ), socket );
// line, fails show contents of socket
gtk_fixed_put( gtk_fixed( fixed ), socket, 0, 0 );
gtk_widget_show( socket );

need use (non-working) gtk_fixed_put scheme, since need add multiple widgets window. getting gtk critical error gtk_fixed_put li\
ne: assertion gtk_is_anchored (socket) failed.

can tell me why gtk_fixed_put failing, when gtk_container_add works?


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk GtkSocket won't show in a GtkFixed



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